What’s Your Type?

Corbin Hicks
2 min readJan 28, 2021

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We’ve almost completed the second full week of 2021 and all of the same issues from 2020 are still here. I thought they would all miraculously disappear at midnight like Cinderella but I was wrong. One thing that I definitely wasn’t expecting to disappear was the Coronavirus quarantine weight that I’ve gained, so I’ve decided to restart a diet that’s proven extremely helpful for me.

Previously I’ve begun following the blood type diet. Essentially, this diet advises what types of food to eat and what to avoid based on your blood type. As someone with Type O-Positive blood, I am focusing on eating high-protein foods, fruits, vegetables and taking daily vitamins. Also, I’ve learned that everything that I have cravings for is bad for me. This includes wheats, corn, dairy, alcohol and caffeine.

I find it extremely interesting that my body wants all of the things that it’s not supposed to have. I’ve always wondered why I crave cheeseburgers and now I know why. I assume other people with the same blood type also crave the same things, as I’m not the only Type O person on Earth. This got me connecting the dots between my blood type and my zodiac sign, as the day of the year that I was born also defines a lot of the person that I’ve become 33 years later. I’m a Virgo if you didn’t already know, but I’ve digressed.

It seems like a lot of what we desire as humans is predetermined the day that we’re born. From the Zodiac sign you can determine someone’s personality traits and how they will interact with others. From the blood type you can determine what things nourish the body and which things are detrimental to the body. With all of this information, there’s 48 different combinations of people that comprise the almost 8 billion people on Earth. It might be beneficial for us to look at all of the similarities we have as humans rather than the few differences that we have, especially since 2020 was one of the most divisive years of all time.

New year, new me.

